Fear of unintentionally showing not enough affection to each of the girls, we specify each day of the week to one of our daughters. For example, Tiffany is our eldest, therefore, Monday will be our Tiffany day. And Tuesday will be for our second daughter, i.e. Odelia day, and so on. On that particular day, we all have to pray for that person, and also remember to say “I love you” and give hugs to that person, especially during Bible time. It is also the day that the particular person has to gather the eggs from the chicken coop as well!

Shoshana As we keep saying “I love you” to that particular person during Bible time, our 2-year-old Shoshana joins in as well. And somehow, what she says is “I CHAI LIU”. That is really funny! Now, “I Chai Liu” becomes our Chan’s way of saying “I love you”. =)

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