COCO Fantasy

Coco FantasyCOCO Fantasy Skin Cream & Lip Stick

$3.00/ lip stick  $5.00/2 lip sticks

$15.00/4oz jar


Cocoa Butter – has lots of antioxidants that fight off free radicals, which are the cause of the signs of skin aging. Cocoa butter is also a stretch mark reducer, and it prevents and heals scars. It hydrates the skin deeply, thus facilitates the repairing of damaged skin.

Coconut oil – is a skin softener and has anti-aging properties. It also protects the skin from microbial infections because of its strong disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. It is good for several skin disorders like eczema. It does not only kill the microbial bodies, but also heals the damages and marks of the wounded skin!

Beeswax – helps lock skin moistures, protects skin from environmental damages, prevents and helps dry skin, helps reduce eczema inflammation, and it also contains vitamin A, which helps skin cells to grow healthier.

Grapefruit seed extract with glycerin –  is added as a natural preservative. Grapefruit seed extract can be a first-aid treatment, a facial cleanser, and a remedy for mild skin irritations. Glycerin makes the skin feel softer and have a healthier appearance.

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