What Happens When a Mother Works Outside of the Home

1.     She Violates Scripture
Titus 2:5, women are instructed to be “…discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own bushands, that the word of God be not blaspheme.”  In I Timothy 5:14, younger women are instructed to “….marry, bear children, guide the house…”

2.     She Neglects Her Children
No one can fully take the place of the mother when children are young.  There is NO such thing as “quality time” in a child’s world.  The needs of children are as urgent as they are unscheduled; and God expects a mother, to whom He has entrusted a child, to care for that.

3.     She is Unfulfilled
The only way that a woman can find identity and meaning in her life is to discover and fulfill the purposes for which God made her.  Scripture clearly establishes the fact that God made the woman to be a “help meet” to her husband.  She will never find fulfillment by trying to copy a man’s role.

4.      She Damages Her Marriage
When a mother tries to establish her independence by working outside of her home, she deeply wounds the spirit of her marriage and the love between her and her husband.  Love is strengthened when there is a realization of how much each partner needs the other.  When the mother works outside she could not help but think she is capable of being financially independent and there is no need for her husband and children.  She loses her love for them.

5.      She May Transfer Her Affections
When a wife works for another man, she actually displays toward the boss some of the attitudes of an ideal wife.  During working hours she is alert to her employer’s needs and desires.  Her expectations are minimal, and she is grateful for whatever he does to make her job easier.  Her grateful spirit encourages him to do even more for her.  This prompts her to express more appreciation and admiration to him.  Soon she begins to compare her husband unfavorably with her employer, and this comparison leads to damage in her marriage relationship.

6.      She Finds Herself in Two Competing Worlds
If a wife does find a job which she enjoys outside of the home, she will suddenly find that she is in two worlds – one at home and one at work.  Each one will make demands and give rewards.  Since no one can serve two masters, she must ultimately decide which world will become her primary source for acceptance, approval, achievement and fulfillment.  Many times we see that a wife would choose the job because of the recognition from work, monetary reward from sacrifice to the company and the social status from high-paying positions.  All these are temporary comparing to the time invest in the wife’s husband and children, whose relationship are life-long and whose souls are eternal.

7.      She Suffers Destructive Pressures
When a mother assumes employment outside of the home, she subjects herself to an additional set of pressures and tensions.  These produce physical and emotional stresses.  She can easily avoid these extra pressures by refusing to work outside and rely on the provision of her husband and God.

8.      She Neglects Vital Home Functions
If a mother gives her time, energy and talent to a job outside of the home, it obviously means that she is less able to fulfill the God-given functions in her home simply for lack of time.  The priceless opportunities within a mother’s home cannot be reclaimed once her children have grown up.

9.      She Sets a Bad Example For Others
Some women may appear to function effectively in two worlds.  By doing so, however, they provide a damaging example to other mothers who definitely cannot manage such a schedule. 

10.  She is Financially Unwise
Many mothers feel that they have to work outside of the home in order to make ends meet.  However, a careful evaluation of that second paycheck reveals that it is an unprofitable venture.  On the hand, a woman who develops the potential functions of her home and who practices wise buying can greatly increase the finances of the home.  The basis of “making ends meet” is not increasing income as much as it is decreasing bills by finding more efficient ways to utilize present resources.  I would encourage a working mother to sit down and calculate all the expenses including day care fees, extra costs for clothes, transportation , tithe, taxes, dining out during lunch time and “I owe it to myself” expense, etc…  Remember to include all the hidden cost when you go out and work.  Compare that with your income and ask yourself if the difference is worth of damaging your marriage, damaging your relationship with your children and disobeying God’s command.

*Most of the material above is taken from Men’s Manual Vol II. published by Insitute of Basic Life Principles.

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