Garden Mid Summer 2021

It is a hot summer with high humidity this year. I have been busy working on our new home and property. It is difficult to leave a property that we have lived on for 15 years. All of our children grew up on this piece of land and I have spent so much time and effort in building up the garden, fruit tress, vines,fences, sheds and what not.

I pray that the next owner would benefit and take good care of this land.


I made a mistake this year of growing the cabbages too close to each other.
But some of them turn out alright.  I love savoy cabbage.  Comparing to green cabbage, they are less prone to split.
My 3 apple trees that I have grown for years.
This is Pristine apple tree which I planted in 2007.  It did not give any blossoms (so no fruits) for 10 years!

I once wanted to chop it down and replace it with another variety,  I am glad I did not give in.  Since 2018, it has been bearing good crops of apples each year.

Pristine is an early mature apple and read to pick in August.

I think I have over 400 apples from the single Pristine apple tree this year.

About 40% were dropped prematurely, but they were not wasted: the chickens love pecking at the apples.

This is Somerset grape that I planted in 2014.  It is a table grape variety.

I am going to miss my grape vines and fruit trees.

Every time I prune my vines, it reminds me of the teaching from Jesus Christ in the Book of John.

“For any branch that does not bear fruit, God would cut it down.  For any branch that does bear fruit, God would prune it so that it would bear more fruits.” (paraphrasing)

One can certainly learn some gardening tips from the Great Gardener in Heaven.

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