Chemtrail or not?

A couple years ago I was invited to preach one Sunday at my previous church.  During the sermon, I mentioned the conspiracy of chemtrail, or more technically, GeoEngineering.

Have you ever noticed the long white trail left behind by a jet plane high up the sky?  Like most people, initially I thought that it is simply the condensation trail.  However, I started to notice something different: the trail exhausted by some planes would dissipate in 30 seconds while some trails last for 4-5 hours and eventually turn into “fake cloud”!

I started to research and found out the shocking truth that these trails that last hours in the sky are actually chemical trails full of toxic chemicals such as barium salts, aluminum oxide, strontium and mercury, etc….

For the sake of argument, here is a site that debunks chemtrail:

The underlying questions are:

  1. Are the governments really executing programs to spray chemicals on their own population
  2. If so, why?

Frequent users on this website know that I like to wear “tin foil hats” and spread conspiracies, which in most cases turn out to be the truth.

I am not anti-government.  However, I have come to learn that we need to examine everything put forth by the propaganda machines owned by powers that be.  DO NOT BLINDLY BELIEVE whatever the government says.  Have we not learned from history that the great crimes of genocide, murdering, spying, biological experiments and abortions are sanctioned by the authorities?

Why does the Canadian government bans raw milk but not tobacco?

Why does the government claims that vaccines is safe while CDC confirms that vaccine contains toxic such as mercury, formaldehyde, cow tissue, human tissue, etc:  CDC Vaccine Ingredients t

Lookup “HAARP weather modification” and the long list of patents related to weather modification from google. The chemtrails are there to help control the weather and probably to kill off the mass population by slowly poisoning all the food and water source (conspiracy!!).

I would like to share 2 links that are excellent in proving chemtrails:

Geo Engineering Watch – Dane Wigington – tons of information, photos, videos, lawsuits against governments, etc….

Chemtrail Pilot Blows The Lid Off Of OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD – Confession from US military pilot who actually flied one of the chemtrail jet planes

I don’t know where we can escape the chemtrails but I do know you can do your own research, spread the word and eat healthy!

I also like to say this prayer whenever I see chemtrail:  “In the name of Jesus Christ, we rebuke the chemtrail that is sprayed upon us.  May God disperse the toxic and cleanse the air. Amen.”

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