New World Order

I recently stumbled upon a youtube channel called Blackstone Intelligence Network.  I found an interesting video that talks about New World Order.  For several years, I knew about the agenda of “New World Order”, pushed by elite groups such as Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, etc….

The more I look around what is happening in the world, the more I understand the sinister origin and evil schemes of these powerful men to control the world.  Ultimately, if you research careful enough, most of these elite groups are occult practitioners and loyal Satanists.  They worship the devil and work towards the goal to rebuild the Satanic empire before Noah’s flood, i.e. anti-Christ/beast system.

The advance of technologies, e.g. 5G network, AI, big data, digital currency, etc…will be employed as helpful instruments to control and enslave the humankind who are not part of the elites.  India is almost completed with building its massive biotech database of her 1.2 billion population, while China boasts its massive surveillance network and rolls out the national social credit score system.  All of these tools would eventually funnel into building the ultimate totalitarian one world government – the “beast” system before Jesus Christ returns.

How should we live then?  It is infeasible for most people to abandon technology and move to an isolated jungle or island.  I personally think that we need to be very cautious to adopt any “smart” technologies which connects to the cloud.  I will refuse, as much as I can, to be chipped.  I know that one day I cannot buy and sell without the mark of the beast (yes, I don’t believe in pre-tribulation rapture), but I fully trust God that He will provide an escape if I am faithful to His word.

Meanwhile, I would suggest any person who doesn’t want to be a serf and subject to the New World Order to build a sustainable and self-reliance lifestyle with like-minded families around.  Spend more time with your family and children than on your iphone.  Spend more time learning useful skills rather than watching sports games every night.  Spend time exercising and building up stamina rather than vising McDonalds and popping soda cans every now and then.  Spend more time with God rather than in front of the screen (I am guilty of this one, may God help me!).

We want to be free, caring, creative and productive human being.  We don’t need some elites to tell us what is best for us.  Only God Almighty can.

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