We finally have a hand grain mill

I have finally decided to buy a hand grain mill for my wife. Because of her candida, we have come to learn a whole variety of grains. We used to eat just wheat and rice and now we have tried quinoa, buckwheat, millet, armaranth, etc….. Having a grain mill is handy because the store-bought flour turns rancid easily. Fresh grounded flour should be consumed within 2 weeks for peak nutritious value but I believe most of us keep our bag of flour at least 6 months.
After some search, I decided to buy the Wonder Juionr Hand Grain Mill. It is not cheap but it is solid built and comes with 2 sets of burrs, 1 for dry grain and 1 for oily seeds. We have tried it and it works wonderfully. It is pretty tiring to mill just 1 cup of flour but it is good exercise afterall. I don’t think I need to work out if I use the mill everyday. Surely an electric mill will be a time saver but our kids enjoy turning the wheel. I can’t wait when Kay recovers we can have some fresh yeast-free sourdough bread made from fresh grounded grain.
Grain Mill

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