G20 Decision – bankes to steal YOUR money in YOUR bank account

I have warned people to take their money out of the bank and transform it in the  form of food, water, survival gears, silver and gold.  My advice, not surprisingly, fall on deaf ears.

Most people still think that the government is there to protect us and provide our needs.  First of all, only God can fulfill our needs.  Secondly, the No.1 rule of today’s government is to survive.  That’s right.  The priority of officials in power is to survive.  The constituents’ needs come secondary.  This is plain and simple.

Everywhere you look you can see corruption in the bureaucracy.  The officials abuse their positions by staying at luxurious hotels while attending conferences.  How about getting kickbacks from construction companies bidding on city works?  People in high places often conspired with large corporations, i.e. banks, drug companies, oil empires, etc…. to steal or rob our money.

“All for the common good.”

“It is for national security.

“We need to stabilize the economy.”

Secretly or openly, our freedom and properties, including our wealth, are gradually transferred into the pockets of government officials, bankers and CEOs.

Don’t believe me?  Read the latest G20 policies below:


How about this one in early November:

It Begins: German Bank ‘Charging’ Negative Interest To Its Retail Customers

Wake up people.  You are about to lose your life’s savings if you stay in the financial system built by central bankers.  Take action RIGHT NOW.

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