Garden Progress 2011 – Part 1

The season is warm enough now to plant some cool season vegetables. We just received dormant plants of asparagus and Everbearing strawberries. We also planted some seeds in the beginning of May. Let's see how we do so far:


Buck has grown pretty tall now. Soon I would till them down.

This is asparagus. It does not resemble what I see in the grocery store at all.
Carrot plants.
Sweet peas.
This is the white radish, also called Daikon.
This is the children's Square Foot Garden bed .
This is the strawberry plant. Look closely and you can see the flowers which would turn into yummy straberries.
Raspberry plants. We have 3 plants from last year.
Red salad bowl. Very dependable. Virtually no pest problems.
This is Eggplant. It is my first time growing this. I don't know if our short season would give good yield. But it is fun to try something new every year.


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