My Little Girls

It was a warm sunny Saturday with a light breeze in the middle of May this year. A perfect day for wedding. I woke up all the girls early in the morning and started preparing for the day. It was 7 hours away from the wedding and I already felt like there was not going to have enough time for everything. Breakfast and lunch needed to be cooked, eaten and cleaned up. Four of my daughters aged 3 to 8 needed to be combed, cleaned, and dressed up for the occasion. And there was also my youngest 1-year-old girl needed to be changed, nursed, and entertained. The church was an hour away, and we had to arrive an hour earlier as four of my girls would be the flower girls.

Oh, did anyone say a wedding is not a stressful thing? And I was not even the one getting married!

Before long, the time was here. I was nervous as I was not sure if my girls could do 100% as told during the ceremony. I kept reminding them the details. However, they did not share a bit of my worry at all. Each of them was so excited and happy. And I must say, each of them was so gorgeous, shinning in that pretty little white dress.

They finally made it down the asile. It was so perfect! And the congregations were all delighted by these four angel like sisters! What a great relief!

I sneaked in the sanctuary with my 1-year-old girl to the front row to join my husband. In the middle of the stage stood my sister, and my soon to be brother-in-law. Yes, a whole new family will soon be born. It is the most sacred moment on earth that one can witness besides the birth of a child!

On the wall, childhood pictures of the bride and groom were projected. There was the little me as well. I could not believe I was here with 5 little daughters today. Time could do so many!

Four GirlsThen I looked at my girls in little white dresses, thinking that they would soon be in big white dresses standing in the middle of the stage…….

Things became watery before my eyes…….

Time flies too fast, I can only pray that God will teach me how to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

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