The following information are all taken from the book “Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth” by Ina May Gaskin.
Induction of Labor
Chemical induced labors will have harsher, stronger and longer contractions.
Interfere the flow of oxygen-rich blood through the placenta to the fetus because of the more intense contractions.
Higher incidence of fetal distress, thus a cesarean is more likely to take place.
Oxytocin and prostaglandin inductions are both known to increase the passage of meconium during labor.
Newborn jaundice happens more frequently after inductions.
Iatrogenic prematurity (doctor-caused prematurity) is more common now because of the increased rate of nonmedically necessary induction.
Increased cases of uterine rupture, amniotic-fluid embolism, postpartum hemorrhage.
One of the formulations that used to induce labor is called Cytotec, and it has been linked to dead or brain-damaged babies, profuse bleeding, death of the mothers, etc. Also, ruptured uteri are likely to happen in women who had had previous uterine surgery.
Can cause pain that lasts for weeks or months, discourage many women from breastfeeding.
Easier to become infected.
Increase blood loss.
Can cause permanent damage to the pelvic-floor muscles.
Clamping of the Umbilical Cord : Early vs. Delayed
Early cord clamping means clamping the cord at the first opportunity, which can results in lower hematocrit or hemoglobin values in the newborn. It is also likely to increase cases like retained placenta, postpartum hemorrhage, and respiratory distress in babies.
Delayed cord-clamping can allows 20 – 50 % of the baby’s blood volume to flow into the baby.
Delivery of the Placenta
In hospitals, due to time factor, doctors tend to speed up the expulsion of the placenta by pulling on the umbilical cord, which can lead to increase blood loss.
Single-layer Suturing after Cesarean
There is a dramatic increase of placenta percreta (the complication which the placenta grows through the placental wall, even into surrounding organs sometimes, the woman can bleed to death) in US which can be linked to the introduction of single-layer closure, the Misgav-Ladach method, after cesarean of previous labor. Traditionally, double-layer closure is used.
In one study, it was found that the risk of uterine rupture of subsequent labor is four times higher with single-layer closure.
Cesarean Section
Women can die from cesarean operations, most maternal deaths are kept secret.
Can increase in hemorrhage, hysterectomy
Accidental cutting of the bowel can lead to death
Accidental cutting of the uterine artery & surgical trauma to bladder and ureters can happen.
There is scar pain, and increased chance of postpartum infection
Increased pulmonary embolism and anesthesia mishaps.
Decreased fertility.
Risk to the baby includes accidental fetal laceration, respiratory distress that can lead to neonatal mortality. Also, accidental prematurity happens.
Risk of future pregnancies would include bowel obstruction, increased tubal pregnancy, placenta previa , placenta accrete, placental abruption and uterine rupture.