Father’s Day is approaching. I am a father of 8 children, but sometimes I feel like I am entirely unqualified to be called a “father”. Sure, I go to work, put food on the table, cut the grass, build thing around the house, fix leaky toilet, replace burnt electrical outlets, build a new addition, fix the tractor, etc…. However, those are simply earthly responsibilities that every father should do.
Because we are so busy in these modern days, we hardly have quantity time with our wives and children. Children grow up so fast and they need our attention and encouragement as well, day by day. I recently received an email from NCFIC:
I then find out that the links to the resources can be downloaded for FREE. I haven’t read or listened to any of these but NCFIC always provide solid Biblical teaching materials.
On a similar subject of fatherhood, how do we as Christian parents build a godly heritage for the next generation? Many years ago I visited a predominantly Mennonite church called Charity Christian Fellowship in Pennsylvania. There I met the late pastor Denny Kenaston and he was a great preacher. I learned about and listened to his well-know series “The Godly Home” on CDs.
Before he passed away several years ago, I believe his church recorded a new series of “The Godly Home” on video and subsequently uploaded to YouTube. You can find the series here.
I highly recommend you to go through the entire series if you are serious about being a Christian parent that God intends you to be. You will learn a tremendous amount of Scriptural teaching on parenting and child education.