For more than 7 months I have been collecting articles, planning to share them here with some highlights and comments. However, the reality proves that I do not have the ability to accomplish the project in a timely manner. Therefore, I resolve to just list out the links here, and hope that these information and opinions would reach more people. These articles would be organized into several posts : COVID-19 Test (I), COVID-19 Test (II), COVID-19 Measures, The “Vaccines” (videos), The “Vaccines” and its Adverse Events (article links), BLM, Global Reset etc.
First, let’s talk about the Covid-19 test. After all, one will wonder how we should end the lockdown measures if the number of positive cases keep surging.
I never doubted the function of the test back in January and February this year. I just assumed a test is a test that is able to tell you ‘yes’ or ‘no’, ‘positive’ or ‘negative’, though I understand, as of all biological tests, test results are never 100 % accurate. But then, as I learned more about the PCR test and the procedure that is used to obtain a result, I finally realized the so called “Covid-19 positive case number” is highly misleading. One more positive test result simply do not and cannot reflect that there is one more person being infected with the disease, or sick. In other words, a positive test result does not necessarily mean we have a ‘case’. When we have a ‘case’, that implies there is a situation, there is something that we need to deal with. However, a positive test result simply DO NOT and CANNOT lead to this conclusion. This is serious, as this will show that the lockdowns and strict measures like the closing of business etc are not justified at all, since the governments push all these measures based upon the ‘positive case number‘.
Please find out more about the test:
Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus? By Celia Farber, a journalist who had interview Kary Mullis, the inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), who was awarded the Nobel Prize for it.
Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives By Dr Mike Yeadon, the former CSO and VP, Allergy and Respiratory Research Head with Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd.
Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over” This is an article that talks about an interview with Dr Mike Yeadon. The interview video is also linked on the page.
SARS-CoV-2: The Stitched Together, Frankenstein Virus
Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist?
It is obvious that more testing would result in more ‘positive cases‘ as what the test can find is only something this is inside many of us anyway. Therefore, if the governments set their policies based on the number of ‘positive cases‘, this game will never end. That is, until some people have achieved what they have planned to accomplish, whatever that is.
Presentation of Dr. Jenő Ébert at the conference on PCR tests
Go to Part II : The PLAN – COVID-19 Test (II)
Also: The PLAN – Masks, Social Distancing, Lockdowns