Mosquito Bites – Garlic Again!

There are quite a number of herbal remedies for mosquito bites, like comfrey extract, aloe vera, eucalyptus oil, Chinese herbal oils, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, etc. Last month, I found an exciting remedy for our family. It’s garlic again! Since garlic is good for almost everything, so I tried putting a fresh slice of garlic on top of the new itchy bite and use a piece of tape to secure it. After awhile the itchness was gone! But I let the garlic stayed there for more time like half an hour or more as I was afraid the bite would be itchy again. After that, the bite reduced so much in size that I could hardly find it! The only drawback is that it looks kind of weird when you have to go to work or run errands in the city =)

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