Family Relationships Online Summit – Encore Oct 21-22!!

Update: Encore  today and tomorrow!!Do the relationships inside your home feel stormy?

Then maybe you can relate to the Ephesian church. When Paul wrote them a letter of admonishment and encouragement he recognized things were stormy (Ephesians 4:25–31).

Falsehood. Anger. Corrupting talk. Bitterness. Wrath. Clamor. Slander.

And sometimes our homeschooling days can have their fill of these things, too.

But the cheery news? God’s grace and power are MORE than enough to equip us to walk in love. We CAN walk as children of light, making the best use of the time, giving thanks, doing the will of God from the heart (Ephesians 5) AND we can lead our children to do the same.

God’s truth is available for us today, just as when Paul shared it with the Ephesians, and that’s what the Homeschool Family Relationships Summit, coming this October 14–19, 2019, is all about: We will be urged (and equipped!) to find God’s wisdom for our closest relationships so we can communicate with truth and grace, strengthen our unity even through conflict, and lead our families to become world-changing forces for the kingdom of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

All of the video sessions, with top Christian homeschooling and parenting speakers and authors, bring a Christ-centered focus to these topics:

  • Biblical Relationships
  • Marriage
  • Parent/Child Relationships
  • Sibling & Peer Relationships
  • Your Family & the World

The entire event is FREE if you sign up by October 14th, and in addition to the video sessions, you’ll also get access to an online exhibit hall (with exclusive discounts and freebies), daily devotions to help you set your heart on the Lord, and a private Facebook group to connect with speakers and other attendees.

By God’s grace, you’ll walk away from the Homeschool Family Relationships Summit with a fresh start for Christ-centered, healthy relationships right in your home.

Don’t wait! Learn more and register for free (for a limited time only!).


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